Managing Threatening Confrontations

Date: Thursdays, October 17 & December 19, 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: CLA Building, 1414 MacArthur Rd, Madison, Room 315
Instructor: Josh Lapin, MSSW, Director of Community TIES Program, UW-Madison Waisman Center
Community Living Alliance, in partnership with the Waisman Center, is offering this training opportunity.
There are two (2) seats available for Community Living Alliance Staff.
To register, please contact Dona Potters, CLA Education Coordinator:
Email: Telephone: (608) 242–8335, ext. 1203
Managing Threatening Confrontations is designed to assist you in learning how to effectively support clients and others who could experience the full range of behavioral escalation. These moments often appear chaotic-when to talk, when to step back, who to call for back up, and “when to duck.” This seminar is designed to put order to the chaos. Stages of escalation are described and each stage is paired with a positive action plan for caregivers as well as teams. The content places strong emphasis on proactive supports. The principles are taught in a straightforward manner so as to provide a framework for conceptualizing behavior escalation that can readily translate into positive plans of action. The learning is brought to life using a video of a dramatic, real life enactment of threatening confrontations by professional actors.
The learning style includes small group work, video, and physical practice, so wear comfortable clothing.
- A framework for understanding and recognizing stages of behavior escalation
- How to avoid “power struggles” that can result in behavioral escalation
- Skills in connecting with people early on, in order to sustain emotional control
- An array of creative communication strategies during periods of tension
- How to present a “neutral presence” during stages of distress
- How caregivers can support both clients and themselves during the Recovery Stage
Josh Lapin MSSW, has over 20 years of experience in supporting people with developmental disabilities. He is currently the director of the Community TIES Program which is part of the University of Wisconsin’s Waisman Center. The mission of the TIES Program is to address the behavioral, psychological, and emotional needs using therapeutic approaches that assure continued participation in supported community life. Josh has extensive experience as a consultant and advocate for persons with developmental disabilities. He strongly believes that a positive relationship is vital is promoting pro-active behavioral support. Mr. Lapin also teaches a field seminar at the School of Social Work for undergraduate and graduate students interested in disability.
Only two (2) seats available for CLA Staff at this Managing Threatening Confrontations Training session, so act fast if you are interested in attending!